As a free Trendlyne user, access to premium features is limited. There are 4 subscription plans to choose from: GURUQ and STRATQ (India-focused plans), and PRO and PRO_PLUS (Global plans providing access to both US and Indian features). 

 You can see all of our subscription plans here:

The StratQ and Pro_Plus plans offer advanced features designed for active traders and data-intensive users, while the GuruQ and Pro plans provide essential tools for those seeking a more basic, daily analysis experience.

Key Premium Features:

  • Screener Alerts:

    • GuruQ and Pro: Daily frequency alerts for 75 stock screener strategies.
    • StratQ and Pro Plus: Alerts with a 15-minute frequency for 300 stock screener strategies.
  • Data Downloader:

    • GuruQ and Pro: Data for up to 2000 stocks, with 60 parameters per download.
    • StratQ and Pro Plus: Unlimited downloads.
  • Backtesting:

    • GuruQ and Pro: 200 annual backtests with up to 60 samples (e.g., 60 months, 60 weeks, or 60 days).
    • StratQ and Pro Plus: 1200 annual backtests with up to 150 samples (e.g., 150 months, 150 weeks, or 150 days).
  • Excel Connect:

    • Exclusive to StratQ and Pro Plus subscribers for Indian markets, allowing seamless access to financial data in Excel or Google Sheets.
  • Market Snapshot Data Downloader :

    • Exclusive to StratQ and Pro Plus subscribers, allowing seamless access to download the most popular 90+ parameters for all Stocks listed on NSE and BSE (India) and NYSE, Nasdaq, and ARCA (USA)exchanges in an Excel.
  • Technical Parameters:

    • GuruQ: Access to daily technical parameters.
    • StratQ and Pro Plus: Access to daily, weekly, and monthly technical parameters.

You can see other premium features with their respective usage frequency here: