Stock screeners receive real-time updates, with results changing as data is continuously refreshed each time you reload the page.
Screener Alerts, however, are evaluated at set intervals.
A stock enters the screener if it meets the query criteria.
A stock exits the screener if it no longer meets the query criteria during a subsequent evaluation.
You can review the stocks that have exited the screener by clicking on the bell icon, as illustrated below:
To receive notifications about stock exits, you can configure the time interval, stock universe, and type of alert. You can then customize the alert settings to receive regular updates on your registered email address.
Emails and notifications for Screener Alerts are sent when there are new exits or entries in the screener. However, no email or mobile app notifications are triggered if the active stocks remain the same in the screener.
If you are not receiving emails and notifications, please check the following:
Has there been any change in the screener?
Have you disabled the emails or mobile app notifications?
You can manage your email alerts from this link.