Screeners: Trendlyne allows you to add historical DVM scores to parameters while building a screener, or add them to the existing screener queries.
You can use historical scores from the previous day, week or month. For instance, add ‘Prev Month Trendlyne Durability Score’ in the query box to check the historical Durability score over the past month.
You can also clone an existing screener and add DVM parameters as columns through the edit option.
The same can be searched for Valuation and Momentum scores.
Backtests with historical DVM scores: Backtesting helps you analyse the historical data and performance of stocks. You can backtest a screener using different parameters. Click on the clock icon, as shown below, to start a backtest.
Then click on the ‘Advanced’ option beside the benchmark index to choose parameters (current or historical DVM scores).
In this example, we have chosen ‘Prev Month Trendlyne Durability Score’ and set the maximum number of stocks at 10. The backtest will be limited to the chosen number of stocks with high Durability scores in the previous month.
You can add portfolio review frequency, start and end date, and also choose a benchmark index to narrow down the search results.
Click on ‘Run Backtest’ to see the performance of stocks based on the chosen parameters.