A featured or an advisor's basket is regularly reviewed and cross checked with the model criteria of the broker or advisor who created the Starfolio basket. The stocks that no longer fit the criteria may be removed and new stocks that do fit the criteria added.

It is up to the investor whether he/she wants to accept a rebalance of the Starfolio basket. In case the investor prefers to retain the existing constituents of the basket, then no action on the rebalancing recommendation from the advisor needs to be taken.

This depends entirely on the broker or advisor that has created the Starfolio basket. As the experts shuffle the basket you will receive an email from the Starfolio platform on the same. If you wish to rebalance your Starfolio basket then all you have to do is click the execute trade option to rebalance your portfolio under that Starfolio basket.

An investor can view what is being bought or sold due to the rebalancing of the Starfolio basket and preview what the new weights or constituents of the Starfolio basket will look like. These changes would be sent to you as a rebalance update.

preview rebalancing basket preview rebalancing chages