Investors often set a stop loss on their stocks to limit losses and drawdowns in their portfolios. On Starfolio, you have the option to set up a stop loss on your invested baskets. 

Please note that the stop loss is at the basket level. This means that if your basket’s value (calculated as NAV or net asset value) falls below the specified value or percentage, you will be notified via an email.You can choose to either ignore the email alert or take action by selling your basket, or specific investments in the basket. 

To set a basket level stop loss on Starfolio, navigate to the 'My Baskets' page, as shown below. Here, find the basket you want to set the stop loss for. 

You can find your invested basket under the ‘Investments active’ section. Then, click on the ‘Set at Basket level’ button, as shown below. 

A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to customise the stop loss.  

You can choose from quick selections like -5%, 10%, -15% or -20%, or manually enter the desired NAV at which you want the stop loss alert to be triggered. Once you have set the stop loss, an email notification will be sent if the basket’s value drops below the threshold you specified.