The 'MF holding change 1Month %', '2Month %', and '3Month %' are calculated using the company’s total outstanding shares to ensure an accurate interpretation of mutual fund holdings. Here’s how these calculations work:

MF holding change 1Month % is the percentage change in holdings from the previous month.

MF holding change 2Month % accumulates the changes from the last two months.

MF holding change 3Month % accumulates the changes over the last three months.

Example Calculation:

Let’s consider the example of General Insurance Corporation of India:

  • April MF Holding: 2,474,109 shares

  • March MF Holding: 406,132 shares

  • February MF Holding: 386,027 shares

  • January MF Holding: 2,055,979 shares

  • Total Shares of the Company: 175 Crores (175,000,000 shares)

Change Calculations:

1 Month Change = (2,474,109 - 406,132) * 100/ 175 * (1,00,00,000) = .12%

2 Month Change = (2,474,109 - 386,027) * 100/ 175 * (1,00,00,000) = .1%

3 Month Change = (2,474,109 - 2,055,979) * 100/ 175 * (1,00,00,000) = Negligible change.