You can track Insider Trading & SAST trades of Superstar investors. These disclosures are provided by corporate insiders, including promoters, directors, and large shareholders, who are buying and selling shares. Each corporate insider and large shareholder's public portfolio is accessible as a Superstar investor.


The following key Insider or SAST trades are available in Trendlyne:

  • Acquisition (Buy): This refers to the purchase of shares by superstars

  • Disposal (Sell): This indicates the sale of shares by superstars

  • Pledge: This denotes shares utilized by promoters as collateral for loans, often considered a negative signal.

  • Revoke: This occurs when shares are released from a pledge, typically seen as a positive signal.

  • Invoke: This happens when pledged shares are called upon by companies/banks providing collateral, potentially resulting in the acquisition of a stake in the company, usually considered a negative signal.

You can monitor these trades for corporate insiders and large shareholders by setting up alerts for Insider Trading & SAST trades. This way, you will get notified of these transactions as and when they are disclosed to the exchanges.