To create a screener, follow these steps:
Select Screeners from the homepage, as shown below.
Now, click on ‘Create New Screener’.
Enter your query in the space provided. Click ‘View All Parameters’ to see the list of all available parameters.
After adding your query, click ‘Preview Results’ to test it before proceeding.
In the next step, name your screener and add a description. You can modify or change the query as needed.
Click ‘Save & Finish’ to create the screener.
For example, let’s create a screener for companies with high revenue growth, using quarterly operating profit and market capitalization:
Revenue QoQ Growth % > 10 AND
Operating Profit Qtr > 10Yr Price Change % AND
Market Capitalization > 60
After testing the query, check if the results are satisfactory.
Then, click ‘Next Step’ to add a title and description.
Finalize by saving your screener.
Your newly created screener will be saved under ‘My Screeners’.