A screener gives you a list of stocks based on your query. This result list can include SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) stocks with varying lot sizes, and you may want to exclude some of them from your screener. SME stocks can have a lot size of one or more than one.

For example, if the query is ‘Revenue Growth Annual YoY% > 0’, we get a list of stocks which may also include SME stocks.

To exclude SME stocks with lot size > 1:

If you don't want SME stocks with a lot size greater than 1 in the result list, add ‘Lot Size = 1’ in your query. This will include only stocks with a lot size of 1.

To include SME stocks with lot size > 1:

If you want to include SME stocks with lot size greater than 1 to your screener, add ‘Lot Size > 1’ in your query. This will include only stocks with lot size greater than 1.

To include all SME stocks (including SME stocks with lot size = 1)

To include all SME stocks in your screener, go to the ‘Group’ section and select 'SME stocks' from the drop-down menu. This will display all SME stocks in your screener, including those with lot size =1, as illustrated above.